teeta: Most people don't want easy to kill monsters... They want a challenge. As far as inviting new people to play BD, why should there be rewards? Either you like the game and let others know about it or you don't. The reward system actually causes cheating because some people are greedy and do their best to cheat the system. I don't believe there should be any type of reward, not even badges.
11-09-13 10:03
shdwmstr: the gift package idea i love i say that new players should start with maybe a ring of health 1 and a ring of wisdom 3 and an amulet of stamina 2 and a standard weapon due to rings and amulets are very hard to come by
11-09-13 10:53
moonstone: hmm.. so thats why the prize is still not given after 3months.. Well thanks dreamer..
11-09-13 15:15
yohan_: more drop items.even if the items are not rare.
11-09-13 15:45
jessikalynn: wait... i think it would be so cool to win a pass through a secret portal to a town.. inside that town are only 100% full rejuv pots

and outside town are new monsters.. fairly hard that i might get a unique drop.. idk that would be bad ass though!!
11-09-13 18:22
leonsuelto: Hey friends give Dreamer a brake hahaha he have a lot of work to do! one step at time!
11-09-13 19:27