Ideas » text notification
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hell-boy: true
11-09-21 19:38
bobik: This is not needed... You can calculate how long it will take for the stamina to fill up... Then just set a timer on your phone or set up a alarm -v-
11-09-21 09:48
mpd: I think it is not necessary and it could be quite expencive
11-09-20 22:38
hell-boy: im not talking about pms. im talking a text message to my phone. like i was saying i log off alot of the time like when my miner is out of stamina. there is no reason to sit at the mine and wait 5 min at a time to mine. id rather log on like my arch magi ring and amulet hunter. run that stamina out then jump on my quest hunter and watch for the quest to respawn while i wait on stamina again. in all this im not on my miner or my ring and amulet hunter to get a pm. when i get a text my phone beeps i check it and go from there.
11-09-20 06:58
teeta: dreamer used to send mass PMs to all the players giving us notice of updates, etc. But he stopped doing that quite a while ago.
11-09-20 05:28
hell-boy: i think it would be pretty cool if under setting there was a choice for 'text notifcation'. let me explain. you ran out of stamina you log off. now in my case i log on to my next guy. now if i could get a text letting me know when my stamina is full again. that would be a idea for 1 use of the text notifcation. another one i can thing of would be for us quest hunters. if i could get a text when a new quest monster spawned for my lvl. that would be awsome. another 1 would be when a update happens. just some food for thought...
11-09-20 04:24
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