Ideas » idea for a topic in the faq fourms
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mpd: I could, but only from lvl 42
11-10-02 07:37
invictus: When BD first started, people used to post how much exp was needed when they reached a new level. Too bad nobody does that anymore.
11-10-02 02:55
mpd: This would be good, but its not necessary. Someone could count and write it in a forum
11-09-20 22:13
hell-boy: this idea like i said is for the fourms. under faq and info it would really help to have like a level to exp t-graph. this way at lvl 54 i think i have 9 million exp. and yea it tells me how much exp is needed to get to lvl 55 but i wanna know how much exp is needed to lvl 60.
11-09-20 19:47
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