Announcements » Attract and KEEP new users
bahamut: if you can impliment these changes i can very easily get new players.. i play aoho hofa wow tribalwars and ffxiv but anyone i send here has at least 1 of these complaints and the main being that barbs are to strong and stamina doesnt last long enough.. ive had a few get to lvl40 and they stop because from lvl25-60 your not developing enough..

you make big changes ans you will get big mmorpgers
11-09-22 15:21
bahamut: the 1st 15mins to 1hour

this is unbelievably important.. within 10mins of playing stamina loses this game players befor they even started.. either..

bring back full stam refills at lvl ups til lvl15 only or give them 1hour on joining where stam wont run down..
itll give them a better taste for the game
11-09-22 15:12
bahamut: potions/spells

if you have the gold to buy them or the lvl/stats to learn them you should be able to get them.. meteor was a piss take to learn.. why not make it

meteor shower
requires: lvl35 wisdom 50

then always have it listed.. spells are a class trait and waiting 2 days for a spell to show will put alot of people off
11-09-22 15:06
bahamut: dexterity..

i know alot of current players may hate this idea but to attract new constant players i say scrap it all together.. it puts focus on other stats and armor/attack is enough to think about.. mabey swap dex with spirit (magic defence) im not sure if that would cause problems later for druids tho
11-09-22 15:01
bahamut: Path choices..

alot of games allow progression of class.. eg
barb-->knight/dark knight
paladin-->fighter druid/ninja

again it just gives players a target and more choice even..
11-09-22 14:56
bahamut: change equipment requirements..

its not an easy task i know but this would help.. at lvl40 im still using lvl25 gear.. what i suggest is have one new piece every 2 lvls. so.

boots lvl40
shield lvl42
helm lvl44
armor lvl46
rings + amu lvl48
weapon lvl50

then at lvl 52 new boots and repeat over and over.. it keeps players intrested because they always feel like they are advancing
11-09-22 14:49
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