Ideas » betting station
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perseus04: its good to have some sort of gambling your credits. Any player can gamble or bet and he/she will be given a unique number from 1-150 or 1-200, meaning no two player can have a same number. The name of the player who gets the highest number should be display to announce. Also the number of bets or how much cred is in there for the winner to get. Each bet cost 1credit. Time frame for the winner to get the price or the duration for the starting to finish is 6hrs. Every 6hrs the bet resets to 0. As player bets, the pot money or the price increases depending how many bets are there. 1 player can only bet 5 times to avoid monopoly of getting the price.
Im hoping to see this feature on a future update.
11-09-26 20:53
invictus: I don't like this idea. Why should there be gambling in an RPG? Please keep in mind that gambling is illegal in most countries for people under the age of 18 and BD has many kids under the age of 18 playing this game.
11-10-02 02:53
project_d: Lmao.
11-10-04 00:57
bahamut: urgh how illegal is it... neopets is a online game i played as a kid.. its made for kids and has gambling games for kids to play to make gold or whatever currency was called thier.. i think theres ways around it.. probably with disclaimers.. anyway anything extra to do whilst stam refills would be a huge boost in my opinion (hunting for rejuv pots doesnt qualify lol)
11-10-04 15:34
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