Announcements » barbarian domination in pvp
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bahamut: and i never even mentioned paladins.. they have even more stats to work on


(Possilbly Dex also)


appart from wis and str not being equal.. with the same amount od total stars the other two classes have to share more stats... its blatently unfair
11-10-01 00:55
bahamut: that was worked out with less max damage.. more top armor count and less of a boost from bloodlust or frenzy and still NO druid can compete damage wise with a barb (mainly because of element protection but alot because stoneskin doesnt work).. druids cant beat a well built barb.. thats whats unfair
11-10-01 00:48
bahamut: Right now max armors 980 (1000 for arguments sake).. max damage for barb is 500+ (500 for argument)..
now all seems good for druid right?


with 100 wisdom bloodlust adds around 27% a (lets say 20%)

now 20% of 500 is 100.. making 600 (or 100 total dam)
20% of 600 = 720 (or 320 total dam)
20% of 720 = 864 (or 684 total dam)
11-10-01 00:42
perseus04: how bout paladins are left out. Druids is like paladin but more better because of spells. I have played druid and now im learning ways of paladin. Since dreamer plan to revised spell system, then lets see what changes can it brought to diff. classes.
11-09-30 19:11
diablo: Barbs don't rule.. just easy to use. Druids would rule but spells are broken.
11-09-30 17:22
dreamer: For the last time - barbarians aren't dominant class. Check who is leading s2, ask what they say. It all depends on you - whether you know how to play particular class, or not.

Moreover, I plan to redo the spells system soon so it will make Barbarians even less attractive. They're the easiest to start & play with - I agree on that.
11-09-30 14:45
bladsy: 1/2
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