Ideas » If ads keep game free
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cybot: If ads keep game free -y not giv a credit per ad clikd on-wit a limit of say 10 a day?
11-10-01 02:49
bobik: Yeah this is good but it has also bad points about it... You could have lots of accounts and make bare creds for free...
11-10-01 03:22
bahamut: all this would do is de value credits.. on aoho you now get 100dg(like creds) for £1 an there pretty wortless unless you want 2 or 4 times xp (8 times with both).. the game originally gifted 2dg each day when a player played 31mins.. now they give 20dg each day..
its just theres no need to buy it now so the games not doing so well.
11-10-01 14:49
invictus: Why is everyone trying to find a way to get free credits?! Dreamer SELLS credits in order to SUPPORT THE GAME and possibly to support himself. If Dreamer gave away credits on a regular basis, he would not be able to support this game. So, what do you want? A free game that is fun to play? Or do you want free credits on a game that will end soon because Dreamer can't support the costs to run it?
11-10-02 03:23
oops: Dreamer gets paid by people clicking onto the ads how would it devalue credits for exaple cellufun/tylted has been giving away coins for clicking onto ads for many many years and it has never ended the game
12-08-08 11:15
lucifer789: I happy dreamer add to buy credit for Serbia i now can hellp to game stay free for other pleyers :)
12-08-16 20:20
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