lzrdking: To this question my answer would have to be a huge YES!! One more time i allowed my mouth to run without my brain being in gear. I made the claim that the reason quests were changed was to keep lightning from getting to far ahead of diablo. That in my self righteous anger i had a conspiracy between dreamer and diablo to hold lightning back while server 2 is going. I said some totally stupid things regarding dreamerand for that i am sorry . I hurt a good friends reputetion ( an i cant spell) diabloand embarrased another lightning. I cant fix this i can only tell the truth i accused diablo of only lookin at one side while blindly doing exactly that. The reason quests were changed is far less dark than i stated again yes lzrd is completely wrong blindly stupid etc. They were changed to stop the constant complaints of say a new level 80 because yes at that level most of the quests are very difficult and dyn is a real threat every quest u take. I heard all the complaints i of course never con sidered this CONT.
11-10-01 17:11
lzrdking: I want to say this then i will do what i should of done to start with shut up.Diablo....bro im sorry as can b that i spoke so wrongly...it is 4 sure that u dont need and havent gotten Dreamers help heck he banned u cause lol ur mouth to lol ..it will be a pleasure watching u an lightning fight it out 4 number 1 over the coming months. (I also have a feeling my bro Minion will have something in the mix. Lightning.... Man i should move to texas so u could kick me in the butt before i do/say something stupid. Of course your legs would fall off before my stupidity runs out im sorry bro. And Dreamer man u have listened to me act like a child several times and i accuse u of being childish i dont even no what to say other than once again im sorry . So to answer the question is Lzrd a moron it is painfully obvious the answer is YES. to everyone else im sorry if u read wat i wrote yesterday im just plain sorry.
11-10-01 17:27
chops: lma0. we should start our own clan. the dumb dumbs.
11-10-01 17:40
chops: Lzrdking we all do off the wall things. lol just got finished replacing the last mail box i ran down last wk. its a bitch being human being lol.
11-10-01 18:14
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