Ideas » achievements
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bahamut: if stat points could be awarded for doing this im sure all would be more intrested.. mabey an armor boost for being killed 100 times or a damage boost for killing 100 players.. split each achievement also..

10000 total physical damage +1 str
100000 +2 str

do the same for magic but wisdom the increase..

or even dodge 1000 attacks +1 dex..

al things like this WILL add intrest to this game
11-10-02 00:46
mpd: As for me it wouldn't be interesting.
11-10-01 20:16
bobik: And the prices could be things like gold, creds, random items, random piece, gems or even for really hard ones recipies :)
11-10-01 17:20
bobik: There should be achievements in the game. This would make people want to play more. Some of examples I can think of are:
*reach level #
*reach level # in mining
*kill # monsters
*craft # items
*craft a level # gem
*Kill # quests
*Defeat # players
*be in a clan which has more than # members
# is for a number and there could more than 1 achievement in each one. Please add any other suggestion -v-
11-10-01 17:19
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