Ideas » Crystals
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m6t: Betr 2 make crystals like gems 4 eg. lv 1 crystal= + 1 dex , +1 wis, +1 strngth,+1 endu . If lv 5 crystal +5 in all skils + 5 armor ..
11-10-27 18:41
bahamut: mabey the second one would work but no lvl requirements definatly no good.. no matter how few the drop rate eventually there gonna be pretty worthless to people as they wont have any need for them when they have there complete crystal.. the market place ends up flooded with them an befor long lvl1 veterans have an even better advantage on newbies.. mabey the lvl for lvl wouldnt be that bad tho
11-10-06 23:54
mpd: Hmm.. I think in profile should be slot for crystal, not in place of ring or amulet. Lvl requirement depends on drop rate. If it's 1:1000 no requirement. Or i think is crystal is 10 (+10 dex; +9 str +1 wis; etc) lvl it requires 10 lvl of player, if 20 needs 20, if 30 needs. Thats only my opinion
11-10-06 14:48
bahamut: i dont have an opinon either way yet but just outa intrest what lvl would you be allowed to equip these crystals.. would it depend on how developed they were or could a lvl1 have a +50 crystal.. also would item titles still effect crystals.. eg.. angels crystral or red dragons crystal.. i think other things need adressing first but anything extra to do cant be bad lol
11-10-06 02:45
armor: As i have said, crystals serve as ring or amulet. Meaning you can craft gems on them and crystals are the one which you will equip in place of your ring and amulet.
11-10-06 01:16
invictus: Um... excuse me... what are GEMS for then?!...
11-10-06 00:43
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