Ideas » Crystals
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mpd: I agree, but drop rate of crystal should be 1:500
11-10-05 22:53
armor: Maybe dreamer could also add crystals which will serve as amulets or rings. There would be crystal of dexterity, which has +1 dex, crystal of strength, +1 strength, and so on. This is for you to personalize your own ring or amulet. For example, you got 3 crystals of dex and crafted it and you'll get a crystal of dex with +3 dex. This crystal (with +3 dex) can be combined to another crystal of dex (with +1 dex) to make a crystal with +4 dex. You can also combine crystals with different titles. Crystal of dex can be combined to crystal of wisdom and so on. But there should be a limit. Maybe you can only craft upto 50. Crystal of dex and wisdom, (with +30 dex and +20 wisdom) cannot be crafted anymore because it has already reached the limit of 50. This can be get as a drop from monsters.
11-10-05 15:48
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