Ideas » Party hunt
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sircritalot: And if Party Hunting is accepted buy dreamer, i have a spell to suggest! I call it Party Heal, all your party member will be healed 50% of their maximum HP, they are only healed if they are on the same ground with the healer. And this skill can be used only if you have a party, u cant use it for ur own, co0o0L.skill For Druids only
11-10-11 14:04
sircritalot: If we make it 200% xp per win, blackdragon players will not use frenzy mode anymore, its better to make it 5% or 10% of your party members exp.
11-10-11 13:59
bahamut: for those thinking ill tag then kill with an alt theres a limmit on how manytags you set each day.. and how many different users you can set tags for
11-10-11 00:53
bahamut: in w.o.w we can tag a monster for a friend to kill.. if he kills it the tag setter gets 200% xp from that kill.. the player still gets his 100% its a great way to build low lvl twinks (halters who pk nubs)

besides the misusers these sorts of thing are gud and help bring players togther
11-10-11 00:50
bahamut: are you suggesting we get 5% of each members in our parties total xp.. with 30 daily players thats no big deal even if we all joined one group.. with 300 in one group thats huge xp.. if this idea takes a group size limmit needs set
11-10-11 00:46
sircritalot: You can request party to your friend and together you will hunt on the same place and your partner and you will get 5% exp when someone in your party kill or win in fighting, but of course they cant share the looted items, it help us on leveling up faster, but it wont affect frenzy mode because it only gives 5% exp every won attacks. Is it good?
11-10-10 14:10
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