Ideas » new quest rating system
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teeta: And dumbing it down by making the hard to kill quest monsters go away after 20 minutes of no attacks is silly. Why even have a quest monster if it is easy to kill?
11-10-20 13:50
teeta: I always choose the highest ranking quest monsters I can find. I enjoy the challenge. By challenge, I mean tweaking my spell sets, trying to find the right combo of spells to make killing a monster an achieveable goal. If tweaking my spells doesn't work, then I try tweaking my gear and along with that, my stats. Thats what I mean by enjoying the challenge... Don't make the monster easier to kill, look for ways you can change your spells, gear or stats to achieve the kill.
11-10-20 13:48
bahamut: and buying a thousand potions is not a challenge at all.. its teedius at best.. i wish there was a way to make a 'challenging' fight.. if rejuvination potions were readily available to buy it would be a start but still whats the challenge.. i dont see it :/
11-10-20 01:45
bahamut: lol i simply pick fights that i have a chance of winning.. even if a ace rank quest gave 50k each battle id never win one as 300 dam is unblockable by a lvl 40-60 player.. and a hour timer would be plenty.. when i say 20mins i ment without it being attacked.. by attacking it you would reset the timer
11-10-20 01:39
mpd: Yes, i agree with 24h counter
11-10-19 22:03
teeta: A 20 minute counter is far too short. Maybe 6 hours or 12 hours or even 24 hours. What you propose with a 20 minute counter will make quest monsters too easy. There should be hard to kill monsters in this game, we just need more balance. The reward for killing a rank 8-10 quest monster should be better than for lower ranking quest monsters. That way, people won't avoid them and go after the lower ranking ones. Wouldn't you hunt the ones that reward you the best? I know that I would.
11-10-19 21:30
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