Ideas » ab0ut quest tabLe Leaders
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luminous: i think every0ne has need a chance t0 be 1st, 2nd 0r 3rd in the tabLe Leaders every week t0 get s0me medaLs, i suggest that 0nce a pLayers reach the 1st 2nd 0r 3rd in the p0siti0n, exampLe, 1st is muttLeyaxe, then 2nd is teeta, 3rd is fr0, Let the 0thers w0n the medaLs, i think 2 weeks rest f0r the Last winner, what d0 y0u think guys ??
11-10-18 12:59
luminous: i think its unfair if its aLways the same winners w0n every week 0n the quest tabLe Leaders
11-10-18 13:02
bahamut: i think you need to get stronger.. a medal for coming first is for exactly that.. if you start giving gold medals to the 7th best of the week it takes pride away from the ones who truely earnd it

you know what i also think..? 0 is a number o is a letter.. why on earth would you spell things using 0 instead of o.. it makes you look really dumb :/
11-10-18 13:07
teeta: I don't think that is a good idea. It punishes ambition and rewards mediocrity. Some people work very hard at hunting and making a rule that they are not allowed to earn a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place ranking because they got it last week is ridiculous. You are saying that some people shouldn't be allowed to compete because the might win, right?
11-10-18 14:32
mpd: Disagreed like others, the medal does nothing, so why to change the system?
11-10-18 21:09
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