Ideas » Idea to increase pet's valuability
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armor: Just suggesting... I think pets for low lvls must have some kind of power ups because these pets become useless for us players. Like me i keep on leveling my unicorn but even though i make it stronger, it doesn't help me a lot in battling. This making players in thinking that they are only wasting their gold or credits in raising their pets. So they are now in thinking that they should lvl upto lvl80 to achieve the strongest pet...mystic dragon, which makes other pets useless. So this only prove that mystic dragon is the only one which is very useful. How about the other pets?
11-10-22 01:10
gimli: i agree i keep lvling up my jag and it dus not help me at all and im onley lvl 37!
11-11-02 22:55
magrinhopjpr: i agree too because my pet didnt help me a lot and he is always dead.
11-11-06 04:24
idiot_terror: It's on how you build your pet bonus stats. If you made it sturdy and gave it a larger damage, perhaps it'll help you more than you expected. And with the mystic dragon, if I'm dreamer, I'll rather remove that one and put a more balance pet instead. If you have a mystic dragon your character are goin to be helpless and just trust the battle in your pet.
11-11-13 23:52
bahamut: No matter how well u build a lvl20 pet by the time u reach lvl 50 its gonna be crap.. By lvl80 its useless alltogether.. But they serve a purpose for a while.. If u want to train one easier build its defence first so it wont die as easy.. Then dex to make it hit and be missed.. If your pet is still hitting and not dying to easy then put its attack up if not its time for an upgrade
11-11-14 01:52
lightning: Not true . I have a bear that served me very well untill the mystic dragon came along . It was very helpful and rarely died
11-11-14 06:47
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