shadow8: Bruuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh stop spamming!Who do you think you are?Oh how thats how you wanna play it huh. Absorbs all the pokemon in the universe. Kame...hame...HA. Shadow8 ducked out of the way of the energy blast. Then everyone ate a donut. They were happy.
15-12-13 08:20
shadow8: And the guy went on and on speaking to himself in the third person.Then he absorbed all of santas reindeer (including rudolph) and stole everybodys gifts.Then he ate a donut.He was happy.
15-12-13 08:17
shadow8: Duuuude really you messed the whole story up!Who does this Shadow8 dude think he is?
15-12-13 08:14
shadow8: Then a random guy flipped through the forums section on a site called blackdragon rpg and found a dumb thread called Let's make a 5 word story.He ferociously typed word after word after word for no reason.Then he ate a donut.He was happy.
15-12-13 08:12
Pahina: 1/13
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