Ideas » Spell powder
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armor: I will explain. Spell powder can upgrade your spell upto master. Druids can learn frost ring (master). I want this to be impleted to be fair, so all class can have master spells. As the spell become master, the requirements should increase. And i think this should only be bought with 10 credits to regenerate game income. What do you say?
11-10-28 03:53
lightning: I say druids being the spell casting class should be the only 1s to have master spells
11-10-28 06:02
armor: Maybe druids can have ace spells which is only a little bit stronger than master spells, and can only be achieved when spell powder is used in a master spell.
11-10-29 01:13
bahamut: only druids should get ace.. necr/pallt master and barbs are to far in front already they dont need it
11-10-30 04:36
teeta: Why try to make this game unecessarily complicated? Everything you propose just means more coding for dreamer to do.
11-10-30 07:15
armor: Im just suggesting.
11-10-30 10:14
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