Ideas » Spell powder
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garbaty-aniol: I can see where you are going with that but this could produce massive bugs in the game trying to increase a percantage of damage on a spell that is increased by wis anyway... I don't think it is a good idea
12-01-08 14:44
armor08: I think this would work. All classes except barbarian can buy spell powder to add a +50% on damaging spells. Or if this would not be implemented, im just wishing that stoneskin, or any other spells must be fixed to make it fair. Or we could just make that for every 2 wisdom will make a +1 to your spell damage.
12-02-29 13:49
kingpins: I dink it iz just fair enuff... All these updates had made barbs weak.... Leve it alone.. adruid are ver powerfull they have spells and can hit.. So wateva
12-03-01 00:19
armor08: Im not just talking about druid. What i mean is that if this would not be implemented, i wish that all not workin spells should be fixed. It is unfair that barbarian can increase their damage and the other class cant increase their armor or defense on a very big damage.
12-03-01 13:11
kal_el: hes right.. barbs can boost damage.. paladins have slow.. druid SHOULD have a WORKING stoneskin.. its only fair..
12-03-01 14:28
lucifer789: Druid its master of magic and that its reason druid have magic spell :)
12-03-03 22:22
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