Announcements » what happened to forum about bad mods?
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dalex: so if i abuse what is prove that !!! ? you said that i ban diablo before coz he atk ppl in arena , then you was wrong and u said sorry !!! now u say that again ... and day ago you told me you have mod issue with you after u apologize , then u come with venum and provoke me .. Any way as i said , will never do that : delete normal post or forum topic .. and i hope dreamer make deletion history.
11-11-05 16:27
lightning: I totally agree with sins . There are way to many unqualified moderators . How can one be expected to help ppl when they dont even know the game . When a mod asks me what magic scrolls are for , something is wrong with the system . And most are to concerned with what the other is doing to be of any use to do what dreamer intended .
11-11-05 18:47
lightning: And the latest installment of the Bad Moderator Chronicles , has any body noticed how often times mods sometimes not only close a topic they dont like so no one can post there but unlock it to post what they want say on the subject then re-lock it after they post . Or how they seem to argue in a locked thread . Its kinda funny
11-11-13 03:06
idiot_terror: Ah, well, they can post new message even the topic is closed. Didn't have to bother to unlock and relock it.
11-11-13 23:41
lightning: Well thats just not fair . Locked should be locked . Why doesnt it just say `only people who`s opinion really matter can post here`
11-11-14 01:58
project_d: Your opinion matters Lightning.
11-11-14 10:03
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