teeta: "Changes are coming soon! Thanks for waiting!

Really?... When?
Sounds like an Obama campaign promise...
11-11-10 12:08
kal-el: lol.. by soon i think it means christmas 2020.. go look at all the old forum pages.. bd still has all the same bugs/glitches it always had.. in general the complaints are all still the same lol.. bd never changes from what ive seen.. lets just hope it does eventually cos soon is never going to happen
11-11-10 14:20
tok3r: Please keep politics out of BD! We can all say worse things about G.W.
11-11-10 18:56
teeta: Hmmm... Hope... and Change?...
11-11-11 02:57
tok3r: Love it or leave it baby.
11-11-11 05:16
teeta: Ah... I love it when you call me baby tokie-poo!
11-11-11 08:44