tok3r: Please post your opinions. I vote yes for pvp for lvl 80+ players.
11-11-12 22:08
kal-el: i vote all players should be allowed to pick themselves wether pvp is on or off.. to stop people just turning it on to pk someone, make it so if you turn it on its on for an hour at least
11-11-12 22:17
tok3r: It used to be that way but everyone had it off. I say once you hit lvl 80, your no longer considered a newb and your pvp stay on permanently.
11-11-12 22:20
kal-el: yeah that would work.. as long as all below lvl80 chars get to hunt in piece if they want
11-11-12 22:44
tok3r: That's the whole point. No pvp for players under lvl80.
11-11-12 23:48
bahamut: no lol.. youve missed my point entirely.. i think players below lvl80 should be allowed to choose whether they want to pvp or not.. then at lvl80 if more would prefer it to be turned on all the time so be it.. but removing pvp for some and not others by force isnt going to do this game any favors.. allowing choice is a much fairer option that would cause least conflict between players. if like you said players mainly turned it off does that not tell you that the majority doesnt want pvp.. more reason to make it a choice i say
11-11-13 00:34