lightning: Lvl 80 quests are in 12 areas . 6 sets of 2 adjecent areas . Its been a while since i did other quests but i remember chasing them all over also
11-11-16 03:14
kal-el: from my origonal post
the same time alough alot of
areas do have quests and
mabey thats the problem.. how
about changing it so each
class only has one quest area
for each bracket under lvl60
but but leave it as is after that..
i didnt say to change it after lvl 60. i think thats far enough through the game to introduce a little more pvp
11-11-16 03:56
mammut01: my stand would be PVP must be an option. admin must put "

VP INVITE BUTTON". in that way everything would be fair. we ay never know if all lvl80+ players loves pvp. it's up to you to accept or ignore pvp invite then.
11-11-17 11:52