teeta: For some unknown reason, language selection switches from English to Lithuanian. This is irritating because I have to stop what I'm doing and go to the home page and switch it back. Also, within 3-5 minutes I will find myself booted off of BD and I have to log back in. That is even more irritating. There seems to be no discernible pattern for when this happens and it's been going on for a few days now. Can you fix this dreamer?
11-11-13 08:19
teeta: It just happened again. That's twice in about one hour. Dreamer, please fix this glitch.
11-11-13 09:00
tok3r: Same happened to me, but only the language part.
11-11-16 23:11
kal-el: is it possible someone has your password
11-11-17 03:46
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