kal, you are unable to spell properly and you have the unmitigated gall to call others stupid???
12-02-02 13:40
kal_el: my favorite dumbass muttley statement was 'yes i buy $50 worth of creds a month and lots of scrolls from the mp, but my gear was found and got its title from scrolls ive hunted. i earned my gear'... lmaoo yeah sure i believe that bull... and secondly id download it via my ps3 for free then watch it at home on my 51" 3D flatsreen (which i bought for £ not credits) if you had sense youd do the same. i thought when i started playing this game that it was going somewhere.. all ive found is a bunch of gambling addicts throwing there money away.. just wait until you have full best gear available and a update makes it sub parr.. im not gonna waste no more time trying to wake people up.
12-02-02 12:59
kal_el: and you should really learn to type without moving your lips teeta
12-02-02 12:35
kal_el: does anyone here have an I.Q that reaches tripple figures..
12-02-02 12:34
strider: Kal have you ever bought a movie how about a vidio game people buy stuff that they think is fun you have no write to attack muttlyaxe she has helped so meny people on this game and is the best mod and player here
12-02-02 08:46
teeta: Kal, if your lips are moving, you are spewing stupidity.
12-02-02 03:36