Ideas » Update 2.0
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kingpin: I forgot to add that... Watever clan is occupying a castel shuld get a bonus.. Say 10% to a stat or something... That will start more competitive clan wars on wanting to keep castels as u wanna keep that extra bonus stat
11-11-15 21:24
kingpin: Pvp must make a comeback.. But changes must be made for the cry babys.. Give the option to turn on or turn off ur pvp.. So if ur going to fight some1 that iz around ur rank and its turned off then it says u cant fight him becuz there pvp is turned off....

We shuld be able to name our pet.. We are able to name everything else.. Why not out pets

If we are donors then there shuld be a new badge

And plz dreamer win u stop back in.. Just post something.. We are going threw withdraws not seeing u stop in and talk to us.. Hurry up and get back from vacation...

And were all so eager to see the new world ports.. And all the updates in near future

11-11-15 21:21
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