Ideas » Traveling Salesman
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kal-el: how about adding a traveling shop that sells only monster titled gear. every 5-10mins the shop will move somewhere else randomly all day to any place on the map.. make everything very high gold prices at least 100k to buy anything. or even put the odd item only buyable with credits
11-11-20 06:30
kingsta: great idea that would make the game better
11-11-22 11:30
garbaty-aniol: It is a good idea... But the thing is the prices should be lower for newbies cuz they always moan that they can't level up pets and that mystic dragon is the pet worth buying... To be honest I don't see a need in that but it would be a nice touch
11-11-22 19:08
killa: i like that idea
11-11-26 15:47
tok3r: Noobs are crybabies, they don't know how to level up a pet properly. I never had any issues with my pets. You have to upgrade at different lvls. At lvl20, buy a lvl20 pet, at lvl40, buy a lvl40 pet, and then at lvl60, buy a lvl60 pet. My gargoyle and giant were kicking arse against quest in they're lvl bracket. Stop whinning and lvl up your pet properly.
11-12-02 09:25
kal-el: was that ment for somewhere else bro.. nobody said anything bout pets
11-12-03 00:16
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