Ideas » Pvp idea
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vision: : How about each player automatically
gets 1 credit for each day they log in..
Then have a credit feature called "civil protection" that
keeps players from attacking you...that costs 1 credit a day.
This way, if you're up to the challenge of pvp you can earn
a few credits..but if you chose to turn pvp off you lose
11-11-20 15:44
kal-el: love the idea but its to easy to scam.. just building chars and leavin them logged in to claim the free cred and transfering it.
11-11-20 16:43
garbaty-aniol: This would work if the mods were doing their job and checking the ip of players that are logging in :D... Then a rule could be added that only 1 char on the ip get the creds... Make a forum for which char you would want it on -v-
11-11-20 17:27
kal-el: that still dosnt stop people using a proxy or different phones or a computer they dont normally use.. theres to many ways of disgising it
11-11-20 17:44
sins-of-a-saint: True... Maybe over a certain level you get that option.. Maybe 70?
I don't see people making too many fake accounts for that
11-11-20 20:53
garbaty-aniol: Nah 70 is too high... I would say like 55
11-11-21 20:30
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