Ideas » guardian monsters
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1nfam0us: Nah, easy kills are fun :D
10-07-30 22:46
drama: lol... my phone messed up. I think the trickiest thing that might make it impossible is making it invisible to higher level players.. however if that is not possible I know it could be possible to put restrictions on the monster so that it cannot be attacked by higher levels just to get the drop. Much like there are restrictions on level requirement to enter an area or level restictions to attack a player. If the monster was a guardian of a level 12 area.. when a player clicked on the monster that was above level 12 they would get a message that said "this monster is too weak for you to attack".. and I highly doubt players below the level restriction would be killing it multiple times if it were that powerful.
10-07-30 22:28
1nfam0us: Drama u got double post, and i dnt think thats possible m8.
10-07-30 22:09
drama: I don't know if thois would be possible, but st the entrance to different areas (i.e. from green woods to magical forest) there should be a monster visible only to the level limit of that area. In the instance of the entrance to magical forest there could be a monster only visible to players under level 12 (since you must be level 12 to enter). Because the monster would be a guardian it would be difficult to kill until you reached the level required to enter the area. This guardian monster should provide a drop each time killed that would help a player on his/her adventures into the new area. This would not only help players obtain gear needed to survive in tougher areas, but also prepare them for the difficulty of monsters in the area they are trying to reach.
10-07-30 22:06
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