chops: you all know how i feel. black dragon is a great game, but without pvp ive lost intrest. as alot of players have. without pvp i do beleave black dragon will fade away. and thats a dam shame!
11-12-03 03:59
lightning: But i must say that in my opinion the game is so much better with out pvp .
11-12-02 07:00
lightning: Although i dont much care for pvp i agree with ashe also . Look at my pvp record . Im proof that you can lvl up inspite of bigger , stronger players attacking me .
11-12-02 06:41
project_d: Oops, That was supposed to come from Tok3r.
11-12-02 04:45
project_d: Yup, I have to agree. At one point I was about 40-100 in pvp wins and losses, but that didn't make me stop leveling it just made me want to work harder and get bigger so I could crush my foes
11-12-02 04:44
lzrdking: As much as i hate to i agree with ashe/whisper
11-12-02 00:00