Announcements » peacefull protest
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deathdealer: U have way to much time on ur hands
13-01-24 00:40
ciege7: A clan of 50. All using Dismantle. Eventually would rip a god asunder and plunge the tyrant into the mortal coils once more. If a mortal being can climb the stairs to Asgard and become a god, so to must a god be able to fall from his lofty abode.
12-09-28 17:35
ciege7: Pvp on s2 rocks with the 5lv margin. But until theres a Dismantle spell, arena pvps are left in the hands of the tyrant giants with the best gears. You totally risk getting raped in there. Without the tier style pvp now on s2, its just a game of the biggest bully and the big spender. Glad it was broken down to a 5 lvl difference. A 10 - 20 base stat pt difference was a little too high. Glad it was dropped to 5 and the gems were moderated with lv requirements. Neophyte and acolyte feedback helps game designers in current and future endeavors. If its design suits one, the other wont play that much. The less the neophytes play, the less allure its going to have to newcomers, who bring new money into the game. The acolyte with it all has nothing. His purpose is done. Its game over. His gear is set. His rank unbroken. His vanity unshattered. Gods get bored with their immortality and slaughter mortal peasants in a morbid curiosity just to taste its scent and ponder. Imagine the Dismantle spell used on a 10
12-09-28 17:29
kuja: Agree with that one katrine.. I remember how friendly hofa used to be and how active it was becoming.. This game was never friendly.. I remember asking for help in chat once an all that happened was people laffed an made fun of you.. Pvp here also allows players with a 19 lvl advantage on you attack you when even 5 lvls is a huge advantage because of how gear works.. Dreamer really killed this game himself listning to the wrong people because they must of had more money to waste.. If hed stuck with the players that really wanted to make this a great game then he would of made a lot more money as more would of played but it seems greed got the better of him.. Cya bd
12-06-19 13:28
katrine: the reason why this game is going to die is because arrogant players live in this game bashing those new players until they choose to quit.
12-06-19 05:15
katrine: pvp bullying is not actually the problem. the main problem is those bad ass trash talkers who keeps on bad mouthing other players to prove that they are the best though they do such deed they havent been penalized by their stupidity. i always saw fr3nzy, tarzanx4 and that thriller guy involve in the tavern commotion.
12-06-15 20:00
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