Announcements » wise up
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diablo14: Big players being used.. yes used by small / newer players. They sell scrolls to us @ 8c-10c. Than they want top titles sold to them @ 20c-50c.. you all know it takes over 15+ scrolls to get a top title. That's 150c you spent on scrolls from them to buy your item @ 20c!! All your doing is given them 130c plus a titled item for free.. think of how much experience 150c would get you or its a month and a half of supporter.. wise up and sell higher.. its worth the wait to sell @ what it worth..
11-12-11 07:16
tok3r: I completely agree
11-12-11 07:30
lzrdking: I couldnt agree more bro thd top 25 or 30 plrs supply 90 persent of titled gear an spend 90 percent of credits spent i say we dont sell anything for 60 days let em see how it is to level with weak gear
11-12-11 07:42
diablo14: I'm down for that lizd. Pass word around to other top players to do the same
11-12-11 07:44
bahamut: so would you buy a car for 10k use it for 3 years.. and sell it for 10k.. oh no wait. youd put mabey 10k of petrol in there aswell.. youd sell it for 20k.. gotta get your money back lmao.. the world just dont work like that..
11-12-11 07:52
sircritalot: how bout the players with weak gears, they cant level up and get bored.
11-12-11 07:53
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