Announcements » wise up
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hellfir3: ??-v-
11-12-11 16:07
bandito: lma0 bahanut there are times you should be seen and not heard.
11-12-11 15:54
kal-el: But my biggest peeve is u took it out on my clan.. Without even ever speaking to half the members who never even did anything to u in anyway nomatter how miner and sad.. fact that u think that ur right to do it makes it even worse in my head.. Btw i can create a lvl40 iwm a day and offer v good prices.. Ask anyone whos traded with me.. If i want something and its not in use your members will sell.. Well unless getting there toung up ur ass is more important that them playing this game.. I cant believe that im pissed enough to lose all respect for you.. Especally with how much i had.. Turns owt ur a bully an nothin else.. I wish toker was the one to find bd first.. Me an him may have arguments now an then but he will always have my respect thru his actions he earned it.. Ur name earned u urs but ur actions lost it..
11-12-11 09:51
bahamut: that message was for you.. i never realised it was off f3ar til he replied.. fact is i almost let my respect for you make me kick out a clan member for hunting.. fact f3ar asked for his removal aswell so he deserves the responce that the kiss ass deserves
11-12-11 09:31
diablo14: Bahamut powerdruid is always asking me to hunt him gear.. than when I hunt gear he takes castle and switches what I'm hunting .. that's disrespectful to us big players waisting both stamina and experience to craft legend gear for other.. that is why I cut off your clan. Not to mention the pm you sent fear.. the reason I wont sell for 60 days has nothing to do with the castle. Its time to show you noobs how to play this game ..
11-12-11 09:16
bahamut: i had alot of respect for diabo because he has accomplished so much but that behavior isnt fitting of a 10yo.. now hes flexin again.. now everybodies cut off.. i say make it 365 days cos i give a shit less than i respect you right now
11-12-11 09:07
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