Announcements » wise up
xet: yaaa! wise up people -rofl-

how come scrolls price go down to 3-4c LMAO -swoon-
12-12-26 05:47
fabulousgheto: Hey sins. There is nothing wrong with gheto as long as its ghetofab. Lol
12-09-28 02:22
hrfcharlz123: Thats really nice thinking sircritalot...i concor
12-05-14 02:15
shirako123: My gears my prices...
12-04-04 03:30
teeta: What?! You're not loving the new PVP lands! I'm SHOCKED!!! ;D
12-01-18 18:15
kal_el: more importantly those new pvp lands make all gear pretty much worthless.. lvl60-65 gear can be stole for nothing quite easy by lvl75+ barbs.. lvl80 gear is free if you have a lvl90+ barb.. why would anyone pay anything for gear below lvl90.. idk
12-01-18 13:30
Pahina: 1/8
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