General » Chat rules
Read from beginning
loir: You may wanna change the bit that says this is not a social forum. Its an mmorpg, players need to be social and make friends. Thats what online or any other type of game for that matter is. Its something you do with friends to have fun.
15-01-20 00:28
boudica: This post keeps getting lost, so I'm adding it to this thread.

General » Religion, Politics & More

  cherokee_rose: This is a game. This is not:

a. A religious forum. 
b. A political forum. 
c. A social forum. 

We are here to play the game. The fact that we socialize somewhat is irrelevant. Many people who play this game NEVER socialize. Politics, religion & sex are all prohibited topics because of the animosity that those subjects engender. 

Please avoid these topics in forums and in chat.

13-06-24 12:59 Delete
15-01-19 21:27
Please remember, there are kids that do play here, too.
12-01-06 07:09
dalex: We Are Many Moderators Now , No one will Ban you unfair , If u think you baned unfair or got a problem PM ME. or muttleyaxe. thanks.
11-12-14 17:33
dalex: *that rules as written by muttleyaxe.
i never ban some one unfair.
*If you found your post delete that better than found your self Baned.

*NEW RULE : You cant EVADE BAN. Mean if i ban you with 1 of your accounts. don't come & argue and chat with players & still what u was if you back with any other character you will got same time limit ban. i Ban player not character.
*if you baned unfair pm Dreamer i write what the reason you baned for.
*Have Fun all.
11-12-11 17:04
dalex: However, there's nothing wrong in "lmao" as it is very widely used. " This means no more usage in wtf, lmfao, lmmfao, etc.
Do not spam chat, this includes with smileys. Remember, chat is ENGLISH only. There is a forum for smileys, players.
Keep real life personal problems out of chat. Also, Rascism and rascist remarks are bannable offenses.
Keep it clean in chat. No Vulgarity and excessive taunting that causes chat disruption. No spamming in chat, or flooding with long trade listings or heavy usage of smileys, it can stall some cellphones.
Keep any account selling private. Chat is English only. Also, please remember, kids play this game.
11-12-11 16:45
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