Ideas » Gear Making
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darkknight1: Hey everyone I have an idea about gear making. I think we should be able to make a weapon that's 100% made by ourself like its end boost and stuff (with a limit due to lvl) so if you were lvl 10 your boosts could only go to 2o and for lvl 15 boosts could only go to 25 and so on. What do you think?
11-12-15 22:53
mehmud: - yes -
11-12-15 23:00
mehmud: -yes-
11-12-15 23:00
madheart: It would be great if we could make our own gears -good-
11-12-15 23:03
heroroy12: i agree
11-12-16 05:06
teeta: What?... You CAN make your own gear... It's called crafting. You get copper bars and craft them together to make a gear item.
11-12-16 19:25
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