arch-druid: how about for level:
10-19: 1 lvl gap.
20-29: 2 lvl gap.
30-39: 3 lvl gap.
40-69: 4 lvl gap.
70-100: 5 lvl gap.
11-12-19 06:30
thrasher: I vote yes dreamer. Just like before, no item or gold drop if lost.
11-12-19 06:30
ghostt: "Yes,but it should b by request or the player notify 1st before he/she attacks the opponent" (just like the old days BD)
11-12-19 06:31
arch-druid: Hope youll agree with my suggestion below. lol
11-12-19 06:33
graychell: yes to pvp on and off settings just like before
11-12-19 06:47
teeta: If you've got to have your stupid blood sport, then take the advantages away from the professional PKer. Make it cost the aggressor 5 times as much stamina as the defender, eg: Attacker: 25 stam per attack, defender: 5 stam per attack. Make the level gap 4-5 levels only. No attacks possible when somebody is fighting a monster or another player. No attacks possible when someone is in a mine or a blacksmith shop where they are blind to the outside world. Limit the number of attacks per day. Don't have a PK Leader board, that just spawns more wannabe PKers. Face it... PKers are losers that base their self esteem on being "Big and Bad". Because they fear failure, they will totally outgun a normal player, they will ALWAYS have the best gear, best weapons, most pots, etc. Make the PKer WORK for his silly delusions of grandeur.
11-12-19 06:49