It looks to me though that the majority says yes... And the fact that this thread has had more replies than any other pinned thread hanging around for months says wonders.
11-12-19 06:55

11-12-19 07:06

what type of PvP you would like here."
Therefor I would consider the replies with limitations qualified.
Furthermore... What makes pvp a "bloodsport" anymore than the monsters we fight?
Seriously if dreamer released a monster that randomly appeared throughout the lands and was only within the level of the players it appeared in front off.. And said monster attacked players... I guarantee that the vast majority would sing the praises of dreamer for his creativity and challenge added to the game.
Oh we can hunt ace ranked quests that can kill us easilly and it's not bloodsport, but suddenly when players are involved it is... How silly.
If anything gets bruised or battered in pvp I would say it is egos...
Now I have said I would not debate this... But I can't help it... I find it too tempting...
teeta let me go on record at saying.. In the two years I have played this game I have yet to come across you in any area of blackdragon except chat... Usually whining about pvp...
and to be honest if you put half the effort into whining as you could actually playing.. You would be a much higher level in much better gear.
11-12-19 07:24