red_dragon: Vote only yes or no don't post ideas

11-12-19 10:51
wlovesqeep: Yes bt no gold lost,only items,and also an award system should be on that,like winning 20 to 30 pvp battles
11-12-19 11:21
nemesis02: Wew Yes and ill be back..
11-12-19 11:43
armor: Yes. But like others said 25stamina per attack. And also i would like to suggest that jewels must not be counted on the stats of player in a pvp. I wish jewels must be effective on monsters only. I think a lvl 50 player with complete item set and 3lvl5 jewel can defeat a lvl 70 with complete set without jewel.
11-12-19 12:18
lordzyx: yes. . but lvl by lvl
ex. lvl 60 can only attack lvl60-80
and lvl80 can only lvl80+
11-12-19 12:24