ashe: Dancesd oh ya pvp let's do this 5 lvl limit in same bracket just 2 attacks on same person 5percent gold loss and loss of 1 item in pack that's fair
11-12-19 23:19
kal_el: how many yes's have ifs or buts lol.. just give players the choice to pvo if they want to.. then you lose no players at all.. everyones happy
11-12-19 23:39
gimli: no to full on pvp players should hav a chouse to tern it on or off
11-12-20 00:39
hiroto: yes,i love pvp in online games,i love black dragon!
11-12-20 00:54
lightning: Also if gold is to be lost maybe make the banks able to hold unlimited gold
11-12-20 01:24