Ideas » Protection stackable
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judgement1: I would like to see our protection against elements stackable again. New quests have 90% protection or higher. If im wearing 2 items that offer fire protection It should be total amount...not the highest of the 2.
11-12-19 17:53
tok3r: We'll have too many Druids crying if pvp is reinstated. I can hear it now, "barbs are too powerful, my spells don't do any damage because their elemental protections are too high"
11-12-19 19:12
-fd-god-: Then rob the spells from the barbs and make the protection stack up then everyone will be happy :P
11-12-19 22:15
kal_el: i agree.. remove bloodlust since barbs 'have no offensive spells' well so it says anyways.. then let elemental protection stack
11-12-19 22:53
hellfir3: Don't remove bloodlust...
11-12-20 00:19
-fd-god-: To me barbarians should not be able to use spells at all... Barbarians are known for using weapons only and shields to defeat their opponents
11-12-20 16:49
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