Announcements » my diablo class
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sins-of-a-saint: here is my opinion..
I congratulate lightning on his class and hold no sour grapes toward him..
However, I sympathize with diablo's frustration.
I did not give up a top ranked character to play server #2, but diablo did.
Had he had known he could have had a top ranked character and diablo class.
Server #2 is not easy... hardcore pvp and some insanely hard monsters to fight (namely the black dragon)
I encourage others to try server #2 and see for yourself..
What's done is done..
had there have only been one server #2 and I was the winner.. I would not be mad if the top ranked on server #1 got diablo class too.. that is why I am not mad about it..
but please understand I can sympathize with diablo because of what he gave up for his title.
I am sure we will all move on past this... hopefully sooner than later
11-12-20 06:57
dreamer: Noone else who pops to level 100 will get that class. Only lightning for being the first one (minion's case doesn't count as it was buggy). It was my decision, please respect it this way. There was no need to start a public topic about it.
11-12-20 06:25
diablo: Damn.. I was lvl 98 with my barb.. if I would of know to just be the first to pop lvl 100 I would of never played on s2 I would of just stayed in first place.. s2 a waist of time now. Way easier to pop lvl 100 than start a new chr, collect gear and kill a bd
11-12-20 06:20
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