I congratulate lightning on his class and hold no sour grapes toward him..
However, I sympathize with diablo's frustration.
I did not give up a top ranked character to play server #2, but diablo did.
Had he had known he could have had a top ranked character and diablo class.
Server #2 is not easy... hardcore pvp and some insanely hard monsters to fight (namely the black dragon)
I encourage others to try server #2 and see for yourself..
What's done is done..
had there have only been one server #2 and I was the winner.. I would not be mad if the top ranked on server #1 got diablo class too.. that is why I am not mad about it..
but please understand I can sympathize with diablo because of what he gave up for his title.
I am sure we will all move on past this... hopefully sooner than later
11-12-20 06:57

11-12-20 06:25

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