tok3r: Lol, Ill hardly classify $10 a month as a big spender. Plus all or my jewels come from task's, which everyone has an opportunity to complete.
11-12-25 08:02
teeta: kal, in some of the RPGs that I have played, if you are PKed, you can lose ALL of the gear you are wearing and ALL the contents of your pack. Why freak out over the loss of one equipped item and/or one inventory item? What I'd like to see is: even if you are defeated in a battle, you don't lose any item as long as you haven't died. In other words, you only lose items if you DIE. Also, I'd like to be able to SEE my opponent and have to stand toe-toe with him or no attack can take place. That would prevent rotten little cowards from standing in the entrance of an area and making attacks, so they can duck out if they are losing.
11-12-25 09:46
explode: assault cuirass? is that an armor in dotA,, why it is'nt in library?...
11-12-25 16:41
kal_el: was that shade by chance lol
11-12-25 22:07
kingpin: Best update yet... Alot of quests mobs in the dungens and can battel out wit oder playas... And yes i aggree and like the idea of losing item from bag if u lose the fight.. If u die in the fight u shuld lose a item that u are wearing
11-12-25 23:02
tok3r: Kingpin, you WILL lose an item you are wearing if you get killed, but Dreamer still has NOT enabled that function yet.
11-12-26 02:59