sins-of-a-saint: There is no level 20-40 area and if there was you could not enter.
I cannot enter any area but the 80+ areas.
12-01-01 21:24
kal_el: so can i enter a lvl20-40 arena at my lvl with my gear.. if so i should not be able to take gear from a player.. thats just wrong
12-01-01 14:54
sins-of-a-saint: Actually teeta, the reason diablo class took so long, was that it wasn't quite ready.
Dreamer has the image and title...but basically none of the spells, or the ability to equip any gear.
He puts on what gear he wants and goes where he wants because he is admin and can do that.
But for all intents and purposes he is (or at least was) a barbarian with a diablo title and image.
11-12-29 20:56
teeta: diablo:
Sins, lightning and myself - ONLY 3 with diablo class
11-12-27 17:57
Hey diablo...
Didn't you forget somebody when you ran down the list of players who have diablo class characters???
I'll give you a hint... He was the first person to ever have a diablo class character... The last time I saw him, he was still a diablo...
11-12-29 07:48
kenron347: i think it's just fair.. getting stronger won't mean a thing if you can't compete with anybody else.. i got strong coz everybody hunted me down.. and now, i wanna be stronger so i nobody's gonna push me around.. and i want to test my strength with every single strong player here..
11-12-28 10:15
acton: your good luck to get 6 scrolls, 50 gems and 10 stamina pots in two days in arena and your bad luck to get 2 scroll, 10 gems and 2 stamina pots in a week lol look what ive said only loc will be in arena when it will turn on, thats what is happening now enjoy loc members!
11-12-28 09:30