Announcements » PVP QUESTION
acton: And if dreamer will turn on gear lost thing then only diablo, tok3r, sins-of-a-saints, ashe and other loc member will be in arena, sorry! dreamer should listen to everybody this isnt loc clan game.. Dreamer should do that voting system about who want gear lost or inventory only
11-12-27 15:30
acton: tok3r, diablo and sins are sayin because they got bloodlust and can kill anyone easily, we druids, paladin cant kill anyone in one hit lol
11-12-27 15:26
tok3r: Exactly. Please remember Dreamer is still working on a softcore version of pvp for the people that don't want to risk their gear.
11-12-27 06:49
muttleyaxe: The main idea and groundwork for blackdragon was pvp. Hardcore pvp brings players. I don't care much for pvp but I enjoy bd emensely. If you aren't willing the risks, do not enter those lands. Simple as that. There a lot of these players that have worked hard for their gear and still enter, a huge risk. It's a challenge. That is pvp - challenge.
11-12-27 05:25
ashe: Wow tarzan u want all rewards with no risk I love this update u don't wanta loise gear stay out of arena
11-12-27 05:14
diablo: I agree sins
11-12-27 03:03
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