Ideas » A different idea for making existing gear better
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syringa: Some of the titles do include ALL the types of gear, even the amulet and rings. The titles I mentioned, as well as certain other titles, can be found on all the gear items and jewelry. It doesn't have to be available on every title to add some much needed boosts on mediocre gear.
11-12-29 07:17
garbaty-aniol: This idea can't work... Some of the titles are only for certain types of gear... There is just no point of making that
11-12-29 01:55
syringa: I'm not going to make a suggestion for a new type of gear... What I want to suggest is a way to make existing types of gear better.

I propose that we can get an attribute/stats boost if we equip gear that all has the same title. For example:

If all your gear is Pegasus', Troglodyte's or Zombie's, you will get a 10% boost to the natural attributes of all that gear. If you have the same title in your amulet and rings, add an additional 5%, for a total of a 15% boost on your gear's stats.
11-12-28 19:22
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