some effect but not working correctly
Damage works speed doesnt change correctly
NO EFFECT (tested on mobs and players)
Life leech
If you are killed by a mob when you have at least 5% life leech you dont always port.. most the time you stay on the same square with the same health you leeched from the last round
0hp Win Battle
if your attacked when your hp is 0 you automatically win the battle
Death Victory
similar to 0hp.. if you do more damage than your oponant but die yourself in battle you still win
Scroll history
repeats in titles.. e.g trog or elf more than once on each item
12-01-27 12:51

Enchanters are basicly xp pools.. if you train a pet capable of less damage than its mana shield blocks then use only fire/earth protection spells you can keep an enchanter alive forever meaning with creds you have unlinmited high xp with no damage done to yourself.. with energy mode frenzy and creds for stam its possible to take 50k xp per click for as long as you can be bothered to click.. millions of xp per min..
this can be achieved on any magical monster using heal or mana shield
12-01-27 13:03
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