kingpins: I think i had 3 scrolls in there win it shut down can i plz get dem returned
12-02-05 06:52
muttleyaxe: All items in market are in suspension. I have over 50 items in there myself.
12-02-07 06:51
xxcesarxx: so ... when it work all the items will return to us?
12-02-07 16:18
muttleyaxe: Yes. That is what dreamer told me in PM. It's all there including any bids on any items. When he re-activates the MP, the items will be there. The MP is being programmed from scratch. No patch work. So it's taking some time.
12-02-07 19:59
kingpins: He shure hasent stoped in and said anything for bout a week im just wodering on estamated time or somedin... Damm dont leave us hangin.. And also who did all this and why mess it up for us good guys.. I just culd really use dem scrolls rite now... Maybie just realease all gear that waz in m.p to use den close it back
12-02-08 04:36