Ideas » Achievement
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kal-el: other than gained lvls theres nothing to keep you tied to a character youve made.. thats why i feel bd needs an achievement list that rewards players with stats mostly for reaching certain stagemarks and rewards playing time aswell.. these achievements need to cover every aspect of the game from damage done and dodging attacks to raising pets and crafting items.. heres an example to show what i mean


Deal 50000 Non-magical damage.
Reward: +5 Strength
Deal 1mil Non-magical damage
Reward: +10str
Deal 10mil Non-magical damage
Reward: +30 str


-Craft 50 gems to items
Reward: Random lvl1 jewel
Craft 200 gems to items
Reward: Random lvl2 jewel
Craft 500 gems to items
Reward: Random lvl3 jewel

i mean every aspect aswell.. even have some of the pet achievements give your pet stat % boosts..
12-02-16 23:48
elshobokshy: I once again agree, this would make it exiting for players to reach a certin goal to get the rewards :)
12-02-17 01:36
kingpins: Not bad idea
12-02-25 10:39
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