Ideas » New players
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elshobokshy: I agree!! Getting from level 30 to 50 was like SUPER hard! :(
12-02-17 01:33
kal-el: around that lvl 38-43 mark the xp needed to gain lvls becomes painfully slow if all quests ranked say 6+ and rank 6 lvl40-60 quests are very big hitters for the gear available at that time.. a slight improvement in gear around that lvl will stop alot of new players giving up around that lvl or failing that a slight xp boost from monsters in the lvl40-50 range especially.. from lvl50 the legendary gear update makes gear ideal and provides entertainment hunting ingredients.. personally im not gonna benifit at all from this, but this especailly with stamina as is will almost garentee loss of players
12-02-17 00:07
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