Ideas » castel bounses
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kingpins: 8)
12-02-27 00:16
kingpins: If so den im joinin yo clan8)..... But really plz answer us dreamer... Plz add a bounce to a clan that owns a castel... That will make it more funner and keep it competive
12-02-24 22:08
diablo: You trying to get me to take all the castles again? Lmao
12-02-22 04:26
lucifer789: Good idea :D
12-02-20 22:21
kingpins: A castel that iz owned buy a clan.. Shuld have a 5% bounce for owning lower lvl castels and 10% extra bounce for owning barcada and tatlia and for nocopuilis and kreegan casteles maybie 15% bounce for every1 in the clan that owns the castel shuld get extra armour or dammage or somedin.. That will keep the castels and defending dem fun
12-02-20 19:17
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